Ten Practices for Becoming

Our Ten Practices for Becoming are our church's portrait of a disciple of Jesus. When we are "equipping people to become," more and more Heightsers will bear the marks of these practices wherever they live, work, learn and play.

In other words,

we describe a disciple as someone who knows how to be with Jesus so they can Learn from Jesus  how   to Love like Jesus  and Live as Jesus would live if he lived their life. The Ten Practices simply show us what that looks like in real time.

As you read this list, know that this is the kind of humans God is developing because of the good and beautiful work we do together at Meadow Heights.

Not only does the world need more and more people who apprentice themselves to Jesus, we're convinced this is the most meaningful way to live our one-and-only lives!

Learn from Jesus

Change begins with ME  when...

1. I notice God at work in and around me.

2. I choose  what I want more.

3. I surrender to God's love.

Love like Jesus

Change includes WE when...

4. I bring my true self.

5. I embody grace and truth.

6. I proclaim good news.

Live as Jesus

Change extends to the 573 when...

7. I make my UNIQUE Contribution.

8. I live BY Design.

9. I bless MY Neighbor.

10. I guide someone to learn, love and live.

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